
Megaman x buster shot megaman x buster shot sprite sheet
Megaman x buster shot megaman x buster shot sprite sheet

X2 has the Second Armor's arm parts, which grants X the ability to fire two charged shots for three damage each, while the second shot is capable of ignoring bosses' invincibility frames and forcing them out of attack animations, allowing X to dish out a powerful one-two punch of charge shots against them.This makes one of the hardest sections of Sigma's fortress a cakewalk when you can just walk through them without taking damage. Chameleon Sting's charged up version allows X to be invincible for a limited amount of time.It doesn't deal that much damage, though. It shoots out homing missiles, and the energy usage is moderately cheap, making stages a breeze. And the weapon he gives you can kill almost every non-boss in one shot, and do a lot of damage to bosses, especially Flame Mammoth. Storm Eagle wasn't exactly hard to defeat if you chose him first. An obscure feature of the first two games is that firing the buster while dashing deals two damage a shot, which can shred through bosses much faster.No wonder the X3 armor is also known as the Hyper Armor. The only drawback is that it's not saved in passwords. In other words, you get nearly four times your normal health in addition to a host of abilities that make your character quite unstoppable.

megaman x buster shot megaman x buster shot sprite sheet

BUT! If you don't collect any of those but do find every other item in the game, you can get the secret Hyper Chip early in the fortress, which gives you all four abilities. Thing is, if you take any one of these, you can't take the other chips. There are four booster chips in the game: armor booster that gives a 75% damage reduction shield when hit, a special weapon that allows you to spam Charge Shots, the power to dash twice before dropping to the ground, or a Healing Factor that would not only restore your health but fill sub-tanks. X3 has the Gold Armor/ MAX Hyper Armor, which is a true game breaker.Examples of this are the Hadoken in X1 (which had an added problem of being hard to aim against Sigma and in the original release of the first game is completely ineffective against his second form) and the Shoryuken in X2. This is balanced out by the fact that they usually can only be found in the final boss stages and can only be used at full health, in addition to requiring Street Fighter-like input commands that make them difficult to use in battle. In the first two games, X can find some well-hidden Street Fighter II-inspired Easter Eggs that let him perform a one-hit kill (or near one-hit kill) attack, thus making the game a whole lot easier after finding them.

Megaman x buster shot megaman x buster shot sprite sheet